The Northern Lights College Board Fort Nelson Community Consultation
held last month in Fort Nelson yielded important community feedback
that helps improve campus services and program delivery.
“Our college region is somewhat unique,” said Board Chair John Kurjata, “It covers over 324,000 square kilometres so the Board is committed to getting out to our smaller campuses and communities and really hearing the voices of our students and community members face-to-face.”
Previous community consultations held in Dawson Creek and Fort St. John last year were exceptionally well-attended and yielded valuable feedback and the Fort Nelson community did not disappoint.
“I was very pleased at the number of people who showed up to communicate what they like about our Fort Nelson Campus, and what they would like to see improved,” said Kurjata. “It is evident that our Fort Nelson Campus team is working hard to meet the needs of the community and we would like to ensure that the institution continues to support their efforts by identifying service gaps and working together to offer solutions.”
Fort Nelson Campus Administrator Laurie Dolan helped organize the community consultation event and was excited to hear feedback.
“I would like to thank all the participants that came to this event. This was such a great opportunity for our Community to come together and chat about the College. I would like to thank the NLC Board of Directors and Senior Administration for supporting the Community Consultation process and was wonderful to have them at our Convocation.” Dolan said.
Board meetings are regularly rotated between campuses. At the June 15 board meeting in Fort Nelson Kurjata was re-elected Board chair and colleague Sharon Miller was re-elected Board vice-chair.
“It’s a pleasure to serve on the NLC Board,” Miller said, “I was a school teacher for many years and I can say without a doubt that this College is committed to delivering the highest standard of curriculum to all of its learners on all of its campuses.”
As the final event on the itinerary, Board members were treated to a beautifully orchestrated convocation ceremony held at the Phoenix Theatre for Fort Nelson Campus graduates. Kurjata said all three convocations this year were exceptional.
“I commend all the staff and faculty who pull these ceremonies together,” Kurjata said, “It is a great deal of work, and attending convocation this year was a personal highlight for me.
“It means a lot to this institution, and to our Board members, that we can watch our students grow and develop during their time studying at Northern Lights,” he added. “When they finally get their credential in their hands and realize all the hard work was worth it, it’s a very special moment not only for our graduates, but for all the family and friends in attendance and for everyone in the extensive Northern Lights family.”
For more information on the Northern Lights College Board, visit the Board Overview online.