Before you register
Check to make sure you don’t have any restrictions on your account that will prevent registration. Log into Borealis and select “View Account Summary” under the Student Finance menu.
If you have any restrictions, they will be listed under Notifications on this page.
Restrictions on registration can be for things like overdue library books, outstanding tuition payments, academic monitoring requirements to meet with your program chair. You need to clear any restrictions on your account before you can register. Follow the instructions in the notification.
Semester-based or non-semester-based?
The following guide is primarily for those students in academic programs taking semester-based classes and need to register every semester.
Registering for Trades/Continuing Education?
If you’re in a non-semester-based program such as one of our trades or vocational programs, you’re registered automatically as part of the admission process. It’s still a good idea to double check your classes to ensure you’re in the right ones for your program and for a schedule that suits your lifestyle and time requirements.
If you are interested in Continuing Education or workforce training classes, please see the registration instructions here.
Five easy steps to register for your semester-based classes:
Step 1 | Have you applied? Have you been admitted to your program?
If yes, great! You’re in the right spot. If no, head to our admissions page to apply now or contact for support.