Karen Erickson with her 30 year certificate of recognition
Karen Erickson has marked 30 years at NLC and has seen a lot in her time here. Karen joined the NLC family in 1990 as the secretary to the registrar. She has remained in the registrar’s office, now with the title of assistant registrar—records and graduation.
When Karen took the job, it made the most sense for her at the time as the on-site daycare made it easier to work while having small children.
She recalls her daughter having “a little bit of separation anxiety that first day… they had wonderful people at the daycare.”
Record-keeping for the college isn’t like other industries, where files can be removed after a number of years. Post-secondary records are kept forever.
“We have records dating back to when we were BC Vocational School, we’ve got records dating back to 1963 in microfilm,” she said.
The college itself, most notably the Dawson Creek campus, has changed a lot in that time. Karen has watched as old buildings on the campus—which served as an army base in the 40s—were torn down and new ones constructed.
She also witnessed the rise of the Internet in the mid-90s. “I thought it would be the biggest waste of time, and now we use it for everything,” she said with a laugh.
Along with Karen there were 25 more staff and faculty marking milestones.
Thirty years
Karen Erickson—Assistant registrar—records and graduation
Fifteen years
Cynthia Page—Early Childhood Education online instructor
Hongbin Cui—UNAS instructor
Doug Haycock—Heavy mechanical trades instructor
Eva St. Jean—UNAS instructor
Michael Temple—ESL instructor
Dawna Turcotte—Regional librarian
Ten Years
Charmaine Moeller—Payroll and benefits manager
Laura Dobrowolski—Financial services clerk
Five years
Todd Bondaroff—VP student services and community relations
Tracy Donnelly—Dean, continuing education/workforce training
Erin Evans—Social services worker diploma program
Morris Gillis—Security/maintenance
Kendra Janes—AMT program support clerk
Tanya Jones—Financial services manager
Bryn Kulmatycki—President and CEO
Estelle Li—Admissions officer
Kayla MacDonald—Financial Aid
Jackie Marston—Payroll and benefits assistant
Aimee McCrae—Influencer relations specialist
Ryan Mayoh—Residential constructions specialist
June Stanley—Corporate communications specialist
Warren Stokes—Registrar
Darcy Suchy—Welding instructor
Cathy Vreeling—Facilities secretary
Darryn Wellstead—UNAS instructor
Jamie Bond—Diploma in library and information technology
Megan Perry—Payroll Compliance Practitioner (PCP)
Darryn Wellstead—PhD doctorate in philosophy sociology