DAWSON CREEK – Aboriginal students studying at Northern Lights College will benefit from a range of new and expanded programs as the result of the college receiving $75,000 in one-time funding.
The college will use the funding for a range of activities including engaging directly with Aboriginal communities, to form an Aboriginal Youth Advisory Council and to hold student orientation activities.

“Northern Lights College works to ensure it is the institution-of-choice in our region for Aboriginal students. The one-time funding of $75,000 will help Northern Lights College develop additional programs to support Aboriginal students who are working on achieving personal and professional success.” Northern Lights College president and CEO Dr. Bryn Kulmatycki
The targeted funding for Northern Lights College is part of more than $1 million that is being provided to 14 public post-secondary institutions to help ensure institutions are welcoming learning environments for Aboriginal students.
This funding is part of ongoing activities to support the Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Training Policy Framework and Action Plan. The provincial government launched this plan in 2012 to improve post-secondary education and training opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal people in B.C.
The goal is to increase the number of credentials awarded to Aboriginal learners by 75% by 2020-21. In 2013-14, 3,241 credentials were awarded to Aboriginal learners, an increase of 23%, or 607 over 2009-10.
The Ministry of Advanced Education also provides supports to Aboriginal students through Aboriginal Service Plans, through funding for community-based training and by providing funding for emergency financial assistance and awards.
The $75,000 in one-time funding is from the Ministry of Advanced Education in support of BC’s Skills for Jobs Blueprint and the Aboriginal Post-Secondary Education and Training Policy Framework and Action Plan.