Team Peace Region on Tuesday at Energy House
at NLC’s Dawson Creek Campus prior to their
departure for the provincial skills competition.
DAWSON CREEK – Two Peace Region competitors in the Electrical Wiring division have qualified for the Skills Canada national championships by winning their respective divisions at the Skills Canada BC provincial championships in Abbotsford on Wednesday.
Hayden Stebing of Northern Lights College won the Post-Secondary Division gold medal, while Robert McMullin, a Dual Credit student at NLC and North Peace Secondary School, won the Secondary Division gold medal. Both competitors were coached by NLC Electrical instructor Robert McAleney.
Stebing and McMullin have now qualified to compete at the national championships, June 4-7, in Toronto.
The Electrical results led the way in an outstanding day of results that also included two gold medal outcomes in the Junior Skills Division. Dawson Creek Secondary School students Chase Gibson and Braden Querin won the Gravity Vehicle Race, while Caleb Willms and Skylar Chowace earned gold in the Spaghetti Bridge event.
Two NLC students rounded out the medalists from the Peace Region. Benjamin Couterier won the silver medal in Aircraft Maintenance, while Joshua Belkin captured bronze in the Post-Secondary Carpentry division.