Dawson Creek Campus Bookstore


Fort St. John Campus Bookstore

Regular Hours
Monday–Thursday: 8:30am–3pm
Friday: 9am–1:30pm

Order Forms

  • Early childhood education and education assistant textbook order form. Order your textbooks as early as possible to ensure delivery.
  • For other online course textbook orders, that are not ECEC/EA, please contact us.
Looking down a row of books in a library

Chetwynd & Tumbler Ridge Campus Bookstores

Monday to Friday 8:30 am–4pm

Chetwynd Campus Service Desk: 250-788-2248
Tumbler Ridge Campus Service Desk: 250-242-5591

Items from Dawson Creek and Fort St. John bookstores can be ordered through your local bookstore, and delivered to your local campus.

Student looking at books on library shelf

Fort Nelson Campus Bookstore

Monday–Friday: 8:30–12pm and 1–4:30pm

Items from Dawson Creek and Fort St John bookstores can be ordered through your local bookstore, and delivered to your local campus.

Looking down a row of books in a library

Faculty & Staff

Please find the staff and faculty order forms below. To order, simply fill out and drop off or email to the appropriate campus bookstore.