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New year, new programs at Northern Lights College

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Students at Northern Lights College (NLC) now have new opportunities available to them in the form of new programs and pathways for their education. 

We have created eight brand-new program offerings for both domestic and international students, including three new associate programs and five new post-degree diploma programs. 

These opportunities will make it easier for students to start their education with us at NLC before moving on to university or into the workforce. 

“We have renewed our program offerings and aligned them to employer demand to ensure that NLC is providing the right programs at the right time to meet student and workforce needs,” said Tara Hyland-Russell, Vice President, Academic and Research for NLC. “We’re excited to launch these new programs and keep evolving our offerings to stay current.” 

Our new Associate programs, which are two-year, university preparation programs are: 

  • Associate of Arts Degree – Psychology 
  • Associate of Science Degree – Computing and Information Science 
  • Associate of Science Degree – Environmental Science 

Our new Post-Degree Diploma programs are: 

  • Post-Degree Diploma in Information Technology Management 
  • Post-Degree Diploma in Industrial and Organizational Psychology 
  • Post-Degree Diploma in Management Science 
  • Post-Degree Diploma in Information Resources Management 
  • Post-Degree Diploma in Environmental Management 

We have also renamed the following programs to better reflect the learning and career outcomes of the programs.  

  • Diploma in Environmental Restoration replaces the Land and Water Resources  
  • Diploma in Accounting replaces the Business Management Diploma (Accounting)  
  • Diploma in Interactive and Digital Technologies replaces the Interactive Technologies and Game Design Diploma 

In our strategic plan document, we describe the Responsive Programming pillar to mean “We provide flexible educational opportunities that meet the evolving needs of the students, communities, and industries we serve.” 

These new programs align with local and national labour market needs and encourage continued strong enrolments on our campuses, including international enrolments. Our new Associate of Arts programs provide options to local students who want to start their education close to home before heading off to university.  

Our Post-Degree Diploma programs all align with the new Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) requirements, meaning international students choosing NLC will know that their education will prepare them for in-demand jobs in our region and country.  

The Faculty and Education Council at NLC worked tirelessly to create these programs in record time, both as a response to the new IRCC restrictions, as well as to meet changing market needs and the demand of our local students.  

“Creation of these new programs gives Northern Lights College more depth in our offerings and will allow us to offer students more choices and more credentials relevant to their career choices,” said Rob-Roy Douglas, Instructor and Vice-Chair of Education Council: “Ultimately, diversity in the College programs is a service to the community.” 

For more information on these new programs, go to