Welcome to the EDI Resource Library!
This resource library was created by the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Project Team at Northern Lights College. These resources were primarily curated to help support participants of the 50 – 30 Challenge, and we welcome anyone interested in learning about EDI to explore and share this resource library.
How to use the resource library:
- The resource library contains labelled drop-down tabs on different topics about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace.
- To find resources, simply choose a topic and click on that drop-down tab. Once the topic is clicked you will find resources on the chosen topic.
- Each resource will have a small description to provide ease when searching through the library.
- Resources may be in the form of PDFs, websites, videos, or articles.
- You may find the same resources in multiple tabs, as many of the subjects are interconnected and fall under multiple EDI-based topics.
- We welcome you to save website links, download documents, and share the resource library as a whole.
- We hope this resource library can help you in your Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion journey!
Northern Lights College and the 50 – 30 Challenge are not affiliated with the resources provided in this library outside of those branded by the 50 – 30 Challenge. These resources are being provided as a convenience in the event you wish to further explore them.
- QMUNITY: 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusivity Training & Education (Paid Training/ Consulting Resource) — QMUNITY’s education program delivers nonjudgmental experiential training and workshops for individuals, service providers, and organizations striving to make their organizations more inclusive for all members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
- Beyond Diversity: An LGBT Best Practice Guide for Employers (Long & Written Resource) — Here is a link to a guide for organizations who are looking to implement 2SLGBTQIA+ best practices within the workplace. This guide includes strategies as well as digestible statistics to help highlight the importance of inclusive practices.
- Why Gender Pronouns Matter (Quick Video) — This is an insightful video where transgender students explain why pronouns are important.
- Lead with Pride: Best Practices for Advancing 2SLGBTQIA+ Leadership (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide explores best practices for advancing 2SLGBTQIA+ leadership. One of the sections (pages 28 – 32) explores the importance of mentorship for people within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
- Beyond Diversity: An LGBT Best Practice Guide for Employers (Long & Written Resource) — This resource includes strategies to promote inclusion of LBGT people in the workplace. Includes twelve (12) strategies, with statistics and reasoning.
- QMUNITY: Queer Glossary (Long & Written Resource) — Here is an extensive glossary and language guide for LGBTQ2+ topics and terms.
- Inclusive Language Guide: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Sexual Orientation, and Sex Characteristics (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide includes tips for being inclusive, including a wide range of definitions, best practices, common mistakes with phrases, use of pronouns, and further resources/references.
- The Dos and Don’ts of Disability Sensitivity (Quick & Written Resource) — Within the webpage, there are some helpful and digestible things to do and not do in order to be sensitive to persons with disabilities.
- The Power of Inclusive Language (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a helpful page that recaps a webinar around the power and importance of inclusive language.
- Mentorship Best Practices (Quick & Written Resource) — This resource guide is meant to provide practical tips and guidance on inclusive workplace best practices; and disability etiquette throughout the employment lifecycle, from the application process through to the job offer stage.
- Inclusive Language Guide: Persons with Disabilities (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a helpful guide that provides definitions, tips, and examples of inclusion regarding persons with disabilities.
- Designing Secure and Accessible Virtual Environments Tip Sheet (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet outlines important actions that hosts can take to promote welcoming and affirming virtual environments for colleagues and guests. It also includes helpful practices prior, during and after virtual meetings.
- Rick Hansen Accessibility Certification Tip Sheet (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet provides simple fixes related to features rated under the Rick Hansen Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) program to help property owners and managers improve their sites’ rating scorecard.
- The Canadian Employer’s Guide to Accessible and Inclusive Meetings (Long & Written Resource) — This guide explores why accessible and inclusive meetings are important. It discusses using an accessible lens in a variety of meeting styles, myths about accessible meetings, barriers people experience, etcetera.
- ElseEase Advocacy (Paid Training/ Consulting Resource) — ElseEase Advocacy is dedicated to advancing the awareness of accessibility and accommodation for invisible and episodic disabilities; including mental illness and protected grounds, whether someone identifies as a person with a disability or otherwise. ElseEase Advocacy offers customized consulting packages and audits, addressing the nuances of inclusion for episodic and invisible disability, customized resources scan and networking, and more.
- Ageism is one of the last socially acceptable prejudices. Psychologists are working to change that (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by the American Psychological Association explores ageism and includes helpful definitions, negative impacts caused by ageism, how to challenge stereotypes, etcetera.
- What is Ageism in the workplace and how do I prevent it? (Quick & Written Resource) —This article describes what ageism is in the workplace, gives several descriptive examples of ageism in different areas of the talent management process, and provides strategies to combat ageism in the workplace.
- Five First Steps for Addressing Workplace Ageism (Quick & Written Resource) — This article references American laws and policies, however, shares pertinent information including the impact ageism has on younger workers, indicators of workplace ageism, and describes five (5) first steps for creating change.
- How Employers Can Prevent Ageism in the Workplace: A Guide (Quick & Written Resource) — This article shares six (6) steps you can take to prevent ageism in the workplace and describes in detail how to establish protective policies, re-evaluate interview processes, review policies and procedures, the importance of making intergenerational teams, etccetera.
- Ageism in the Workplace Toolkit (Long & Written Resource) — This resource toolkit equips you with several further articles on different topics in ageism. These topics include age discrimination, workplace laws (U.S.-based), ageism against older workers/volunteers, ageism against younger workers, and addressing ageism and generational gaps.
- A quick guide: What is allyship? (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores different types of allyship and shares various ways of being an ally.
- 6 Ways to be an Ally in the Workplace (Quick Video) — This short video explores six (6) ways to be an ally in the workplace and helps to amplify the voices of the people around you.
- Allyship in the Workplace: What is It? (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores ways to influence company culture and how to be the right kind of ally. It also helps to define performative allyship and shares how allyship can help foster inclusion.
- 7 Examples of What Being an Ally at Work Really Looks Like (Quick & Written Resource) — This article shares roles that allies can choose to play to support colleagues from underrepresented groups in beneficial ways. These roles include “The Sponsor”, “The Champion”, “The Advocate”, etcetera.
- The White Ally Toolkit Workbook (Long & Written Resource) — This toolkit provides education and reflective activities on white allyship, racism denial, ally coaching curriculum, etcetera. This tool may be helpful for anyone looking to reflect on their personal learning journey.
- An Ethnicity Allies Guide to Getting it Right (Long & Written Resource) — This toolkit aims to support in understanding the intersections of being an ally in everyday workplace situations, communications, and settings.
- Unconscious Bias Toolkit (Quick & Written Resource) — This toolkit defines unconscious bias and provides different types of resources from short videos, and online articles, to academic research.
- What is Unconscious Bias Training? (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by CultureAlly helps readers gain an understanding of unconscious bias, including common types of bias, how to address bias in the workplace, resources for unconscious bias training, etcetera.
- Responding to Microaggressions and Bias (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide shares ways to approach responding to microaggressions and biases. This is a great resource for leadership, colleagues, and bystanders to read through and would be a great exercise to practice how to approach resistance to EDI in the workplace.
- Harvard Implicit Association Test (Long & Written Resource) — This resource has you complete a free survey, and at the end gives you “results” of your biases. This is a great resource to start thinking about biases that you may hold. Please note that this test has received some criticism. It is not recommended to be used as a tool for measuring bias, rather as a starting point to think about existing personal biases.
- Weight Stigma 101 (Quick Video) — This short podcast provides helpful insights on people who experience weight discrimination. It includes information on weight bias, weight stigmas, and examples of “fat shaming”.
- The burden of weight stigma (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by the American Psychological Association explores the negative impacts of shaming people based on their weight. It includes the effects of “sizeism” as well as ways to disrupt these stigmas.
- Body positivity: Why body acceptance is important in the workplace (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores the importance of body positivity within the workplace and shares steps to cultivate body positivity within your workplace.
- Why Your DEI Strategy Should Include Body Size Diversity (Quick & Written Resource) — This article provides information on why body size diversity is important and ways to incorporate body size diversity into DEI initiatives. It explores topics such as inclusive imagery, de-emphasizing weight loss in wellness initiatives, etcetera.
- Weight Bias (Quick & Written Resource) — This webpage provides a helpful definition of weight stigma and weight bias. The site also shares the consequences of weight discrimination and provides short and educational videos.
- Overcoming Weight Bias (Quick & Written Resource) — This 1-page PDF provides a quick overview of weight bias, weight discrimination, and some ways to prevent weight bias.
- 4 Tips on Creating a DEI Committee (Quick Video) — This video can help leaders learn how to create a culture with an anti-racist mindset, how to form a DEI Committee, understand marginalized people having a voice, create a structure and purpose of the group, etcetera.
- 7 Tips for Starting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committees (Quick & Written) — The American Planning Association’s blog post discusses topics from developing strategies, committee leadership, training, etcetera.
- Equity, diversity, and inclusion committees: Getting started guide (Long & Written Resource) — UBC has curated a guide to creating an EDI committee. Topics discussed include defining EDI for context, the purpose of EDI committees, decision making authority process, recruitment tactics, etcetera.
- How to create an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Plan (Quick & Written Resource) — Includes tips on developing a vision/mission statement, priorities, objectives and activities, roles and responsibilities, communication strategies, etcetera.
- Tip Sheet: How can small organizations take part in the 50 – 30 Challenge? (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet provides helpful information on how small organizations can align themselves with the 50 – 30 Challenge and implement EDI-based practices such as creating an EDI committee.
- Creating Inclusive Workplaces for All (Quick Video) — Catarina Rivera shares how to make workplaces better for everyone by prioritizing disability inclusion.
- Creating Safe Spaces for Women in the Workplace: A Vital Imperative (Quick & Written Resource) — This short article shares steps to take in order to make the workplace feel safer for women.
- 6 Ways to Cultivate a Workplace Culture That Inspires Diversity and Inclusion (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores six (6) steps that could be taken to foster an inclusive environment in the workplace. This resource also has a “Listen to Article” option.
- Inclusion in the Workplace: What It Means and How to Make It the Strength of Your Organization (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores the importance of inclusion in the workplace and shares best practices around building inclusion in the workplace.
- How to Build a More Inclusive Workplace Culture (Quick & Written Resource) — This article shares five (5) steps to take in order to build a more inclusive work culture.
- How to improve workplace equity: Evidence based actions for employers (Long & Written Resource) — This guide summarizes actions that have been shown to improve workplace outcomes for members of equity-deserving groups including “actions” and “outcomes” to improve workplace diversity in areas of the talent management process.
- A Startup Founder’s Guide to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Long & Written Resource) — This guide goes through five (5) sections on how to implement EDI from the very beginning of starting a company/organization. It touches on educational information, steps to take, and has some great templates.
- How to approach Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for your startup (Quick & Written Resource) — This article includes information on how to role model inclusive practices, make thoughtful hiring decisions, and build a business with EDI in mind.
- The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Toolkit (Long & Written Resource) —This resourceexplores how to build diverse and equitable teams from all areas of the talent management process and would be helpful for new or established organizations and businesses.
- How to improve workplace equity: Evidence based actions for employers (Long & Written Resource) — This guide summarizes actions that have been shown to improve workplace outcomes for members of equity-deserving groups. This guide includes “actions” and “outcomes” to improve workplace diversity in many areas of the talent management process.
- Guide to Sustaining Organizational Change: Board Recruitment (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a link to the What Works Toolkit, a tool developed as part of a Government of Canada equity-focused initiative. If you click the link and go to section 1.1, you will find information and case studies on board recruitment.
- Gender diversity increases corporate board effectiveness (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a quick read about gender diversity on boards.
- All on Board: Comparisons around the world for women’s leadership (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a helpful comparison of what is happening on boards around the world regarding gender equity.
- Board and Leadership Guidebook (Long & Written Resource) — Here is a link to a section of the What Works Toolkit, a tool developed as part of a Government of Canada equity-focused initiative, that specifically speaks to boards and leadership in general through an EDI perspective. This section of the Toolkit has helpful learnings, case studies, and examples of steps to take in order to implement EDI in leadership and on boards.
- Building and Inclusive Board: Pathways for Education, Exploration and Action (Long & Written Resource) — Here is a guide to building inclusivity within boards. This in-depth resource defines and educates on the importance of EDI, offers helpful self-assessment tools, and more. This document is written for non–profit and philanthropic organizations, however the information and resources can be helpful to many types of organizations and businesses.
- Taking Action on Board Diversity: Five Questions to get Started (Quick & Written Resource) — This document provides reflective questions to consider when trying to create a diverse board as well as next steps to take.
- Getting Real About Inclusive Leadership (Long & Written Resource) — Catalyst discusses inclusive leadership, how managers have the power and responsibility to lead with inclusion, six (6) core behaviours of leadership, five (5) hallmarks of inclusion, impacts and benefits of inclusion, etcetera.
- Beyond Diversity: An LGBT Best Practice Guide for Employers (Long & Written Resource) — This document includes strategies to promote inclusion of LBGT people in the workplace. It explores twelve (12) strategies with helpful statistics and reasoning.
- An Allies Toolkit: Leveraging Power & Privilege (Long & Written Resource) — This document includes information on allyship and what steps can be taken, on an individual and organizational level, to become a better ally.
- Empowering Workplaces to Combat Emotional Tax for People of Colour in Canada (Long & Written Resource) — Catalyst’s study identifies challenges and solutions to workplace inclusion. The study discusses inclusion’s emotional tax in corporate Canada, experiences of immigrants, and empowerment being key to retaining people of colour in the labour force, etcetera.
- Mentor: Your way to Board Development (Quick & Written Resource) — This document shares tips and information on board development, leadership succession, the power of mentoring, etcetera.
- How to create a DEI strategy: A practical guide for small businesses (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide explains the importance of embedding diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) into a business and provides helpful tips for implementing a DEI strategy in a small business.
- How Do Small Businesses Measure Up for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion? (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores the importance of measuring diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within a small business and includes helpful tips to consider before starting to measure DEI efforts.
- 11 Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Resources for Small Businesses (Quick & Written Resource) — This site includes eleven (11) helpful resources for small businesses who are looking to implement DEI-based practices in their business.
- Equity, and Diversity policies for small groups: (Long & Written Resource) — This resource provides guidance in creating and implementing equity and diversity policies within a small organization. This includes tips for starting a conversation within the organization, writing the policies, adopting the policies, as well as examples of equity, diversity, and inclusion policies.
- Tip Sheet: How can small organizations take part in the 50 – 30 Challenge? (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet provides information on how small organizations can align themselves with the 50 – 30 Challenge, a Government of Canada equity-focused initiative, and implement EDI-based practices such as creating an EDI committee.
- Mentor: Your way to Board Development (Quick & Written Resource) — his document shares helpful tips and information on board development, leadership succession, the power of mentoring, etcetera.
EDI Mentorship in General
- Start a diversity and inclusion mentorship program: A guide (Quick & Written Resource) — This article has helpful information on the benefits of providing specific mentorship for people with diverse backgrounds, including practical options on starting a mentorship program for diverse employees.
- Reimagining Critical Mentorship for Equity-Deserving Youth (Quick & Written Resource) — This article summarizes a past event called Critical Youth Mentorship: A Youth Work Teach-In. The article explains the main learning from the event and speaks about decolonizing mentorship, considering lived experiences, focusing on racialized folks, etcetera. Although this article focuses on youth specifically, many of the learnings can be applied to people of all ages. At the bottom of the article, there are also links to watch the presentations.
- Inclusive Mentorship of Professionals (Quick & Written Resource) — A quick tip sheet for ways to make mentorship more inclusive.
- Mentorship and Sponsorship as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Strategies (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explains the benefits of mentorship through an equity, diversity, and inclusion perspective, sharing four (4) foundational steps to take when setting up a mentorship program.
- Tips to Create a Diversity Mentoring Program (Quick & Written Resource) — This short article provides five (5) helpful tips when developing a diversity mentor program.
- Mentorship & Workplace Equity Takes Work (Quick Video) — Award-winning diversity, inclusion, and mentorship expert Janice Omadeke shares her personal mentorship journey along with four (4) helpful takeaways, as she discusses how women and allies can start closing the job equity gap through mentorship. Although this Ted Talk speaks to mentorship within “corporate America”, the experiences shared are incredibly insightful and can be helpful when talking about mentorship in general.
Mentoring People of Colour/ Racialized Individuals
- How to start a mentorship program for employees of color (Quick & Written Resource) — This article shares seven (7) steps to launching a mentorship program for employees of color.
- Don’t Just Mentor Women and People of Color. Sponsor Them (Quick & Written Resource) — The author presents a four-step framework for being intentional in identifying opportunities for sponsorship and using social connections to lift up those who might otherwise go unnoticed.
Mentoring Persons with Disabilities
- Mentorship Best Practices (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide provides practical tips and guidance on inclusive workplace best practices and disability etiquette throughout the employment lifecycle, from the application process through to the job offer stage.
Mentoring People Within the 2SLGBTQIA+ Community
- Lead with Pride: Best Practices for Advancing 2SLGBTQIA+ Leadership (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide explores best practices for advancing 2SLGBTQIA+ leadership. Section 04 explores the importance of mentorship for people within the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policies in the Workplace free template (Quick & Written Resource) — This article highlights the importance of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policies, provides tips and steps to writing an EDI Policy, and a downloadable example of an EDI policy.
- Implementing an Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Policy (Quick & Written Resource) — This article describes why equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policies are important, what employers should be aware of when drafting an EDI policy, and best practices for implementing an EDI policy.
- The 13 policies your organization needs (Long & Written Resource) — This article shares thirteen (13) policies to consider implementing in an organization. For each policy, there is a hyperlinked article providing more information about best practices, benefits, etcetera. Please note that this website is created with United Kingdom and United States versions and may not be all be applicable in Canada.
- Equity, and Diversity policies for small groups: (Long & Written Resource) — This resource provides guidance in creating and implementing an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) policy within a small organization, including tips for starting a conversation within the organization, writing the policy, adopting the policy, and examples of EDI policies.
- DEI Policy Template (Long & Written Resource) — This template by CultureAlly includes policy writing, their purpose, definitions, and a helpful checklist.
Inclusive Recruitment
- Understanding Inclusive Recruitment (Long & Written Resource) — This e-module learning course will equip the learner with the knowledge and basic skills to make a recruitment process more inclusive and effective.
- 7 Things You Can Do to Recruit Women of Color (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a website highlighting things to consider when wanting to recruit women of colour.
- Board Recruitment (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a link to the What Works Toolkit, a tool developed as part of a Government of Canada equity-focused initiative. If you click the link and go to section 1.1, you will find information and case studies on board recruitment.
- Gender diversity increases corporate board effectiveness (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a quick read about gender diversity on boards.
- All on Board: Comparisons around the world for women’s leadership (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a helpful comparison of what is happening on boards around the world regarding gender equity.
- Harvard Business School: Hiring Best Practices (Quick & Written Resource) — This article goes through job descriptions, biases, inclusive video interviews, standardized interviews, question selection in interviews, etcetera.
- Government of Canada Job bank: Hiring Persons with disabilities (Quick & Written Resource) — This webpage includes information on making workplaces inclusive, offering accommodations, recruiting candidates with disabilities, conducting inclusive interviews, onboarding employees with disabilities, etcetera.
- McMaster University: Best Practices for Equitable Recruiting (Quick & Written Resource) — This article includes eight (8) questions to help apply equitable recruiting best practices to recruitment processes.
- GenderDecoder (Quick & Written Resource) — This tool allows the user to input/paste job postings into the tool and then highlights gender-coded language and provides insight into if the posting is more masculine-coded or feminine-coded.
- Practical Diversity: taking inclusivity from theory to practice (Long Video) — Here is a Ted Talk by Dr. Dawn Bennet-Alexander, discussing the importance of acknowledging our unconscious biases and the dangers that come with them.
- Recruiting with Conscience when Hiring Diverse Talent (Quick Video) — Nikky Lyle, a creative recruiter shares their insight on inclusive recruitment, and the barriers that new hires face when organizations lack cultural change when hiring diverse individuals. Lyle emphasizes the importance of workplace culture needing to be ready for change to avoid microaggressions, tokenism, and employee turnover.
- What does true equitable hiring look like? (Quick & Written Resource) — This article describes strategies the American Alliance of Museums used to incorporate equitable hiring practices into the organization.
- To Retain Employees, Focus on Inclusion – Not Just Diversity (Quick & Written Resource) —This article describes ways to retain employees by focusing on inclusion, discussing self-identification surveys, conducting focus groups through independent facilitators, and getting personal during one-on-one discussions.
- 10 Strategies to Retain Diverse Talent (Quick & Written Resource) —This article shares the business case for workplace diversity and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies and references intersectionality. It also outlines ten (10) strategies to adopt in order to retain diverse talent, with practical examples and suggestions for each topic.
Indigenous Recruitment
- Recruiting, Retaining, and Supporting the Advancement of Indigenous People (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores the importance of focusing on indigenous recruitment and shares tips on retention and creating an inclusive work environment for Indigenous employees.
- Indigenous Recruitment Guide (Quick & Written Resource) — This is an in-depth guide to recruiting Indigenous Peoples, including educational materials such as definitions, demographics, historical context, etcetera. The guide also shares advice on finding qualified candidates, building networks, conducting interviews, and more.
- Indigenous Job Boards
Here are a few different online websites that promote jobs specifically for Indigenous Peoples. The websites do require paid advertising, however could be a great option for organizations and businesses having the means to do so.
- To Retain Employees, Focus on Inclusion – Not Just Diversity (Quick & Written Resource) —This article describes ways to retain employees by focusing on inclusion, discussing self-identification surveys, conducting focus groups through independent facilitators, and getting personal during one-on-one discussions.
- 10 Strategies to Retain Diverse Talent (Quick & Written Resource) —This article shares the business case for workplace diversity and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) strategies and references intersectionality. It also outlines ten (10) strategies to adopt in order to retain diverse talent, with practical examples and suggestions for each topic.
- Five employee retention strategies for diverse workforces (Quick & Written Resource) — This article shares five (5) crucial yet simple strategies to increase employee retention, explaining important differences in employee retention depending on age, race, gender, etcetera.
- 7 Proven Employee retention strategies to implement in 2024 (Quick & Written Resource) — This video highlights employee retention and why it is critical to the success of an organization. It describes in detail seven (7) strategies and practical steps to promote retention within an organization.
- 7 DEI Statement examples and a guide to writing your own (Quick & Written Resource) — This resource provides examples of organizations’ equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) statements, as well as guidance and steps to take when creating them.
- 9 Inspiring Diversity and Inclusion Statement Example (Long & Written Resource) — This resource describes what an equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) statement should include, provides nine (9) examples of EDI statements including what AIHR liked about the statement, and best-practice principles on how to write an EDI statement.
- 10 inspirational DEI statement Examples (Quick & Written Resource) —This article explores what makes diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) statements effective, best practices for writing a DEI statement, DEI statement examples from both for-profit and non-profit organizations, and an analysis of what makes a great DEI statement from companies like Spotify, REI, etcetera.
- 25+ Examples of Awesome Diversity Statements (Long & Written Resource) —This article describes how to write a diversity statement, provides twenty-five (25) statement examples, diversity statement pdfs, diversity statement bonus tips, and diversity essay examples.
The Importance of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the Workplace
- What is EDI? (Long & Written Resource) — This resource highlights elemental components of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), including the need for EDI, demographic shifts, types of microaggressions, etcetera. There are short videos and interactive activities in this resource as well.
- 5 Powerful Ways to Take REAL Action on DEI (Quick & Written Resource) — This article breaks down taking steps toward meaningful action in equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) by using the REAL framework (Revealing relevant opportunities, Elevating equity, Activating diversity, Leading inclusivity).
- Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion learning and resources (Quick & Written Resource) — This Government of British Columbia website provides a learning centre which includes several courses exploring content related to reconciliation, equity, diversity, and inclusion. The webpage also includes a resource centre with helpful resources on equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigenous reconciliation in the workplace.
- What is diversity, equity, and inclusion? (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores what equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is and its importance. The article also highlights key benefits EDI can have on organizations and businesses.
- Employment Equity Toolkit (Long & Written Resource) — British Columbia’s Office of the Human Rights Commissioner has created a toolkit for employers. The toolkit begins with introductory materials covering core concepts and summarizing some of what is known and unknown about employment equity in British Columbia. The toolkit also covers five (5) topic areas within employment equity: accommodations, compensation, data collection, complaint resolution and hiring and promotion. Each topic is covered in a main info sheet containing recommendations for employers.
- What is Privilege (Quick Video) — This video highlights the experiences of privilege using an interactive activity. The activity shows the intersectional experiences of privilege and lets participants reflect on their own experiences with privilege.
- How to improve workplace equity: Evidence based actions for employers (Long & Written Resource) — This guide summarizes actions shown to improve workplace outcomes for members of equity-deserving groups and includes “actions” and “outcomes” to improve workplace diversity in areas of the talent management process.
- 7 Exceptional Examples of Equity in the Workplace (Quick & Written Resource) — This article describes equity in the workplace, how to implement equity in the workplace, how to measure equity in the workplace, and provides seven (7) examples of equity in the workplace.
- The Dream Gap Project (Quick Video) — This short video explores the “Dream Gap”. Starting at age five (5), many girls begin to develop limiting self-beliefs. They stop believing their gender can do or be anything. This is the Dream Gap, which Mattel is working to close. This is a great video to bring awareness and help close the gap between girls and their full potential.
EDI in the Workplace Statistics
- The 50 – 30 Challenge: The Benefits (Quick & Written Resource) — The 50 – 30 Challenge is a Government of Canada equity-focused initiative. Towards the bottom of the 50 – 30 Challenge webpage, benefits of implementing equitable, diverse, and inclusive practices within the workplace are highlighted.
- Diversity Dividend: Canada’s Global Advantage (Long & Written Resource) — This report provides an in–depth explanation of how diversity and inclusion can help businesses and organizations. The report provides statistics, academic research, policy recommendations, and more.
- The business case for diversity in the workplace is now overwhelming (Quick & Written Resource) — This article provides examples of how diversity can improve business performance, sharing practices taken from countries around the world and provides helpful statistics about diversity in the workplace.
- Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace (Quick & Written Resource) — This resource provides impactful statistics on rates of discrimination and unequal treatment in Canadian workplaces. This is a helpful resource to understand the need for equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.
- Supporting your Muslim Employees during Ramadan (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet includes steps to supporting Muslim employees during Ramadan, how to identify and dismantle Islamophobia, things to say and not to say, etcetera.
Inclusive Calendars for 2023/2024
- Important Diversity & Cultural Calendar, Dates, and Celebration Events (Quick & Written Resource) — This website offers a list of a wide variety of holidays organized by date, providing a quick and easy way to check on upcoming holidays and cultural events for 2023 and 2024.
- Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion (DEI) Calendar (Quick & Written Resource) — This website provides many dates and is frequently updated. Although there are fewer descriptions of dates than other calendars, it could be very helpful for quick glances.
- Interfaith Calendar (Long & Written Resource) — This website includes holidays and days of significance up until 2030, including helpful definitions and descriptions for each holiday/ day of significance.
Days of Significance
- Days of Significance (Quick & Written Resource) — This webpage includes days of significance up until the end of 2024. Each day of significance has a hyperlink with more information about the day.
- Diwali (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by CultureAlly shares helpful information about Diwali and ways to celebrate Diwali in the workplace.
- Holi (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by CultureAlly shares helpful information about Holi and ways to celebrate Holi in the workplace.
- Lunar New Year (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by CultureAlly shares helpful information about the Lunar New Year and ways to celebrate the Lunar New Year in the workplace.
- International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by CultureAlly shares helpful information about International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples and ways to be an ally to Indigenous People.
Importance of taking an Inclusive Approach to Holidays, Celebrations, and Cultural Observations
- Holidays, Observances, & Celebrations: A Guide for Inclusive Workplaces (Quick & Written Resource) — This resource is for anyone who wants to be more inclusive and accommodating of non-dominant holidays, observances, and celebrations in the workplace throughout the calendar year. The webpage explains the importance of taking an inclusive approach to holidays and gives helpful tips for becoming more intentional.
- An Inclusive Approach to Holidays, Observances, and Celebrations: A Guide to Celebrating and Observing Equitably in the Workplace (Long & Written Resource) — This resource provides an in-depth understanding of the complexity of holidays and becoming more inclusive, including examples of practical changes an organization can make in order to expand workplace cultures around holidays, observations, and celebrations.
- Inclusive Holidays at Work – how to celebrate the holidays inclusively (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores the importance of having inclusive holiday celebrations and shares tips on how to host an inclusive holiday party.
- How Can More Indigenous People Access STEM Careers? (Quick & Written Resource) — This webpage briefly shares the importance of Indigenous identities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) including strategies and challenges to improving the representation of Indigenous identities in STEM careers.
- Indigenous Representation in Select Occupations (Quick & Written Resource) — This website has a helpful data table that shows statistics around Indigenous representation in STEM-based jobs.
- Role of Professional Societies on Increasing Indigenous Peoples’ Participation and Leadership in STEMM (Long & Written Resource) — This research article investigates the range and variation of cultural/spiritual/ethical practical issues that may be affecting Indigenous people’s success in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). This research does come from an American perspective however can still be a helpful resource when trying to understand barriers for Indigenous People in STEMM.
- Towards reconciliation: 10 Calls to Action to natural scientists working in Canada (Long & Written Resource) — This Canadian research article explores calls to action for natural scientists with the hope of making the sciences a more inclusive space for Indigenous Peoples. This article includes historical context and has helpful statistics throughout.
- BC Black History Awareness Society: Learning Centre (Long & Written Resource) — The BC Black History awareness Society has a helpful learning centre that includes stories, articles, videos, reports etcetera. The centre also has a digital Museum for Black Canadian History.
- BC Community Alliance (Quick & Written Resource) — This is an online toolkit for learning about Black history, Black Futures, Cultural events, and organizations.
- Black Owned Businesses in BC (Quick & Written Resource) — his is a great resource for individuals or organizations who are looking to support Black owned businesses in BC and the Prairies. Organizations in BC and the Prairies who are black owned can add their businesses to their website.
- How to start a mentorship program for employees of color (Quick & Written Resource) — This article shares seven (7) steps to launching a mentorship program for employees of color.
- Don’t Just Mentor Women and People of Color. Sponsor Them (Quick & Written Resource) — The author presents a four-step framework for being intentional in identifying opportunities for sponsorship and using social connections to lift up those who might otherwise go unnoticed.
- Anti-Racism & Organizational Change: A Guide for Employers (Long & Written Resource) — Here is an in-depth guide created by the Canadian Human Rights Commission to help employers and leadership understand anti-racism work. This guide includes sections on raising awareness, human resources strategies, workplace norms, interviewing practice, etcetera.
- How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace (Quick Video) — In this candid video, inclusion advocate Janet Stovall shares a three-part action plan for creating workplaces where people feel safe and expected to be their unassimilated, authentic selves.
- Everything you need to know about anti-racism in the workplace (Long & Written Resource) — This article explores trends that impact racialized communities, offering ideas to reverse such trends to ensure racialized employees are heard, supported, and represented. This article can be helpful in bringing awareness to issues of racism in the Canadian workforce and getting employees to start thinking about steps to take.
- The Anti-Racism Continuum (Quick Video) — Here is a quick video to help introduce anti-racism in the workplace to employees and raise awareness.
- Anti-racism Lexicon (Long & Written Resource) — This lexicon is meant as a guide to help in understanding common words and terminologies used in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space. These are not legal definitions.
- The Micropedia (Long & Written Resource) — This webpage provides various examples of microaggressions. The website has examples categorized by race, religion, gender, disability, age, etcetera and offers definitions of what microaggressions are and how to avoid them.
- Employment Gaps and Underemployment for Racialized Groups and Immigrants in Canada (Long & Written Resource) — This report summarizes data from 2020 on employment outcomes for racialized Canadians and recent immigrants to Canada. The report aims to explain gaps and analyze studies of programming and policy design to close these gaps.
- Inclusive Language Guide: Race and Ethnicity (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet provides definitions, general tips, best practices, common mistakes, etcetera in language.
- Anti-Racism Tools and Resources (A Series of Quick & Written Resources). Here are several short PDFs created by the Government of Canada around Anti-Racism. These resources can be helpful to get employees thinking about anti-racism within the workplace.
- How to be an ally — Learn the small habits that can help to create an inclusive environment for racialized colleagues.
- How to have courageous conversations — Learn how to have conversations about race that raise awareness and build empathy.
- Myth busters — Read facts that confront commonly held myths about employment equity, explain the false ideas around employment equity that perpetuate discrimination and biases.
- Common anti-racism terminology — Explore common words and terminology used in the ongoing dialogue to achieve diversity, equity, and inclusion.
- Essential questions to apply an anti-racism lens — Find questions to use upon reflection of your own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors about racism and discrimination.
- Comparison of attitudes: racist vs ally vs anti-racist — Learn to recognize and challenge behaviours and practices that reinforce systemic racism and racial discrimination.
- How to Write More Inclusive Job Descriptions (Quick & Written Resource) — This is a short article on removing gender-coded words, eliminating racial bias, and including an equal employment opportunity statement.
- DEI Hiring: How to Create Inclusive Job Descriptions (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores how to write an inclusive job description while addressing gender-coded language. The article explains other ways to have inclusive writing and the difference between discriminatory language and more inclusive language.
- GenderDecoder (Quick & Written Resource) — This tool allows the user to input/paste job postings into the tool and then highlights gender-coded language and provides insight into if the posting is more masculine-coded or feminine-coded.
- Job Posting IDEA Checklist (Quick & Written Resource) — This document includes a checklist for twelve (12) areas of a job posting that should be re-evaluated to have an inclusive job posting.
- Job Posting Template (Quick & Written Resource) — This template provides guidance on how to ensure that a job posting is inclusive, accessible, and founded in equity, diversity, and inclusion based practices. Templates should be used for all postings ton ensure consistency amongst roles.
- Creating the Role (Quick & Written Resource) — This template can be used by hiring managers or human resources teams to outline specific responsibilities of a new position and the associated necessary qualifications. Along with the template is also an example of an inclusive role.
- The Power of Inclusive Language (Quick & Written Resource) — This webpage provides a webinar recap on the power and importance of inclusive language.
- Anti-racism Lexicon (Long & Written Resource) — This lexicon is meant as a guide to help in understanding common words and terminologies used in the diversity, equity and inclusion space. These are not legal definitions.
- Inclusive Language Guide: Gender Identity, Gender Expression, Sexual Orientation, and Sex Characteristics (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet provides tips for being inclusive, including a wide range of definitions, best practices and common mistakes with phrases, use of pronouns, and further resources/references.
- Inclusive Language Guide: Persons with Disabilities (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide provides definitions, tips, and examples of using inclusive language regarding persons with disabilities.
- Inclusive Language Guide: Race and Ethnicity (Quick & Written Resource) — This tip sheet includes definitions, general tips, best practices, and common mistakes regarding language.
- Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Definitions (Quick & Written Resource) — This document quickly defines equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- EDI The Basics: Terms and Definitions (Quick & Written Resource) — This document includes helpful definitions on accessibility, tokenism, colonization, and many more.
- QMUNITY: Queer Glossary (Long & Written Resource) — Here is an extensive glossary and language guide for LGBTQ2+ topics and terms.
- Indigenous Canada Course (Long Resource) — The University of Alberta hosts a free online course called Indigenous Canada, a twelve (12) lesson Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) from the Faculty of Native Studies that explores the different histories and contemporary perspectives of Indigenous peoples living in Canada. From an Indigenous perspective, this course explores complex experiences Indigenous peoples face today from a historical and critical perspective highlighting national and local Indigenous-settler relations.
- Building Inclusion for Indigenous Peoples in Canadian Workplaces (Long & Written Resource) — This report is helpful in understanding the Indigenous experience at work, highlighting emotional tax as well as psychological safety.
- Healing a Nation Through Truth and Reconciliation | Chief Dr Robert Joseph (Quick Video) — This helpful video provides insight into the importance of Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. Although this resource is not specific to Truth and Reconciliation in the workplace, it offers a good starting point to learn and reflect on.
- Recognizing Truth and Reconciliation at Work (Quick & Written Resource) — This article by CultureAlly shares helpful information on the history of Truth and Reconciliation, how to support indigenous employees, tips for recognizing Truth and Reconciliation at work, etcetera.
- Indigenous Recruitment
- see more under “EDI Recruitment”
- The Micropedia (Long & Written Resource) — This webpage explores various examples of microaggressions, categorized by race, religion, gender, disability, age, etc. and offers definitions of what microaggressions are and how to avoid them.
- 3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace (Quick Video) — In this video, Melinda Briana Epler shares three (3) ways to support people who are underrepresented in the workplace. This video is quite general, making it a good starting place and also mentions microaggressions in the workplace.
- Recognizing and Responding to Microaggressions at Work (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a helpful reading on recognizing and responding to microaggressions when they happen in the workplace, including helpful examples and digestible explanations.
- Responding to Microaggressions and Bias (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide shares ways to approach responding to microaggressions and biases. This is a great resource for leadership, colleagues, and bystanders and would be a great exercise to practice how to approach resistance to equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.
- Hire Immigrants Ottawa (Quick & Written Resource) — This website provides several resources on practical tips for hiring immigrants, including resources for employers such as guides, recruitment services, credential evaluation, language assessments, cross-cultural competency, facts and stats, tips sheets, etcetera.
- A portrait of non-permanent residence in Canada (Quick & Written Resource) —This website provides insight into the demographics of non-permanent residents in Canada, including top ten (10) places of birth, overqualification of occupations, the state of housing, ages of non-permanent residence, etcetera.
- Over-education among immigrants in Canada (Quick & Written Resource) — This website provides insight into the demographics of immigrants in Canada, defines over-education, and speaks to how many individuals are over-educated for the jobs they are in.
- Canada bets big on immigrants, but newcomers’ skills and education are being wasted (Quick & Written Resource) — This article provides statistics and data on the overqualified, skilled newcomers to Canada, and how they are not being utilized in the workforce. The article emphasizes the importance of economic mobility and the professional integration of immigrants into the Canadian labor force.
- Employer Tools & Resources Library (Long & Written Resource) —This website provides resources and tools to help attract, hire, and retain skilled immigrant employees, including a resource library with podcasts, reports, resources, success stories, tips, tools, videos, and webinars.
- Hiring Newcomers Guides and Toolkits (A Series of Long & Written Resources) — Here are several PDFs from Hire Immigrants Ottawa. These resources explore inclusive onboarding of newcomers, strategies for immigrant inclusion, etcetera.
- Inclusive Onboarding for Newcomer Employees — This resource provides advice on the preparation of onboarding newcomers into an organization, the role of managers and supervisors, facilitating connections, and providing onboarding support. This resource also includes an onboarding checklist that can be used as a guide.
- Employer Playbook: Strategies for Immigrant Inclusion in Canadian Workplaces — This playbook provides easy-to-implement strategies that support efforts to recruit the best candidates, add diverse perspectives to support your organization, and foster an inclusive workplace where existing immigrant employees can contribute their full skills and experience.
- Onboarding Refugees: A Toolkit for Employers — This toolkit provides a business case for hiring refugees, preparing the workplace, effective onboarding, supporting refugees in the workplace, and providing accommodations and language support. There are also practical “how to” areas of this toolkit on culturally sensitive interviews, establishing effective mutual expectations, etcetera.
- Employers Guide to Integrating Immigrants into the Workplace — This resource provides context into why hiring immigrants is necessary in our current social, political, and economic contexts. The resource also discusses the assessment of an applicant’s language skills and how an employer can offer support to improve skills on the job. This guide also emphasizes the need for cultural integration for an immigrant to succeed in the workplace. The resource ends with several practical tips and guidance for the integration of immigrants in the workplace.
- Employers in Action: From Recruitment to Retention — This resource identifies barriers that immigrants face in the workplace. It provides guidance for employers to take action in the talent management process, including preparing the workplace, finding immigrant candidates, assessing applications, interviewing, orientation, and retention/talent management as well as the employer benefit and further resources to each of the previously articulated areas.
- CultureAlly (Paid Training/ Consulting Resource) — CultureAlly is a Canadian diversity, equity, and inclusion company that provides training, consulting, and e-learning services. They have a number of pre-set training topics as well as offer customizable training services.
- CCDI Consulting Inc (Paid Training/Consulting Resource) — Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) Consulting is a full-service inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility (IDEA) consulting firm with a mission to support employers in their move toward true inclusion. They offer a variety of instructor-led training topics on equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.
- Canadian Equality Consulting (Paid Training/Consulting Resource) — Canadian Equality Consulting (CEC) is a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consulting firm that helps organizations with DEI training, assessments, strategy implementation, and more. The CEC also offers “Equity360”, a subscription service where organizations can receive year-long learning, support, and capacity-building.
- QMUNITY: 2SLGBTQIA+ Inclusivity Training & Education (Paid Training/ Consulting Resource) — QMUNITY’s education program delivers nonjudgmental experiential training and workshops for individuals, service providers, and organizations that want help making their organizations more inclusive for all members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
- ElseEase Advocacy (Paid Training/ Consulting Resource) — ElseEase Advocacy is dedicated to advancing the awareness of accessibility and accommodation for invisible and episodic disabilities, including mental illness and protected grounds, regardless of an individual identifying as a person with a disability. ElseEase Advocacy offers customized consulting packages and audits, addressing the nuances of inclusion for episodic and invisible disability, customized resources scan and networking, and more.
- To Overcome Resistance to DEI, Understand What’s Driving It (Quick & Written Resource) — This article highlights the external resistance to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), referring to the United States. It highlight important topics around psychological threats including defending, denying, and distancing. This article gives context into why there is resistance to DEI efforts.
- Managing Resistance to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Workplace Initiatives (Quick & Written Resource) — This article provides seven (7) strategies to use when approaching folks that are resistant to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. This resource would be helpful for DEI committees, leadership, and those generally interested in promoting DEI.
- How to Navigate Pushback to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Efforts (Quick & Written Resource) — This article describes in detail the most common forms of pushback to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts, including a framework to identify DEI pushback. This article also shares ways to combat pushback to EDI efforts.
- Addressing Fear and Resistance (Long & Written Resource) — This Toolkit has five (5) sections providing steps to help overcome fear and resistance to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts. Note this resource was created in 2014 and due to its age, some of the content may be dated.
- Responding to Microaggressions and Bias (Quick & Written Resource) — This guide shares ways to approach responding to microaggressions and biases. This is a great resource for leadership, colleagues, and bystanders and would be a great exercise to practice how to approach resistance to EDI in the workplace.
- Every Voice Counts – Introduction to self-identification data collection and management practices: Recording (Long Video) — This is a recording for “Every Voice Counts – Introduction to Self-Identification Data Collection and Management Practices” webinar, hosted by Sheridan College. This webinar includes helpful definitions, information on asking the right questions, reporting on self-identification surveys, etcetera.
- Self-Identification Survey Best Practices (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is a helpful educational tool with some best practices to consider when creating self-identification tools.
- Diversity and Inclusion: Getting Candidates to Self-Identify (Quick & Written Resource) — Here is an article that explains why self-identification surveys are a helpful and important step toward equity, diversity, and inclusion in the workplace.
- Collecting EE Information about your employees (Quick & Written Resource) — This webpage, created by the Canadian Human Rights Commission, describes the requirements, scope, best approaches, and examples of self-identification surveys.
- How Self-ID Fosters a More Equitable Workplace (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explores the importance of self-identification surveys and best practices to follow.
- Self ID: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at Huntington | Huntington Bank (Quick Video) — This short video, from Huntington Bank, shares inspiring stories of how self-identifying in the workplace can help create more inclusion.
- Count Me In: On the Importance of Self-Identification (Quick Video) — This short video, from Chemonics International, shares why employees feel it is so important to be counted within self-identification data collection.
- Every Voice Counts – Introduction to self-identification data collection and management practices: Slide Deck (Long & Written Resource) — This is a webinar slide deck for the webinar: Every Voice Counts – Introduction to Self-Identification Data Collection and Management Practices, hosted by Sheridan College. This webinar includes helpful definitions, information on asking the right questions, reporting self-id surveys, etcetera.
- Every Voice Counts: Self ID Survey Template (Long & Written Resource) — This self-identification survey template was provided during the webinar: Every Voice Counts – Introduction to Self-Identification Data Collection and Management Practices hosted by Sheridan College.
- What Is White Fragility? Plus 5 Key Steps for Overcoming It (Quick & Written Resource) — This article provides a definition of white fragility and provides steps to reflect and overcome white fragility.
- Toolkit for “What is white privilege, really?” (Quick & Written Resource) — This toolkit offers advice, activities, and further readings on white privilege, whiteness, and racism.
- Dr. Robin DiAngelo discusses ‘White Fragility’ (Long Video) — University of Washington professor Dr. Robin DiAngelo reads from her book “White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism,” explaining the phenomenon, and discussing how white people can develop their capacity to engage more constructively across race.
- The White Ally Toolkit Workbook (Long & Written Resource) — This toolkit provides education and reflective activities on white allyship, racism denial, ally coaching curriculum, and could be a helpful tool for individuals interested in reflecting on their personal learning journey.
- Infographic from White Fragility, by Robin DiAngelo (Quick & Written Resource) — This infographic provides key points from Dr. Robin DiAngelo’s book titled ‘White Fragility’.
- Creating Safe Spaces for Women in the Workplace: A Vital Imperative (Quick & Written Resource) — This short article shares steps to take in order to make the workplace feel safer for women.
- The Facts about the Gender Pay Gap (Quick & Written Resource) — This website offers foundational information on the gender pay-gap in Canada. The website includes snapshots of data, helpful definitions, and a great ‘frequently asked questions’ (FAQ) section.
- The Gender Pay Gap – Alive and Well, Unfortunately (Quick & Written Resource) — This article provides helpful insights on the gender pay gap, by province and industry, in Canada. The article explores steps that can be taken to challenge the current barriers responsible for the gender pay gap.
- Pay transparency laws in B.C. (Quick & Written Resource) — This Government of British Columbia webpage outlines the new Pay Transparency Act, passed in May of 2023. This webpage outlines the reasons for the new act as well as requirements and ‘frequently asked questions’ (FAQ), helping to answer some questions regarding what will happen with current employees and specific requirements.
- Three Bold Steps Toward Closing the Gender Pay Gap (Quick & Written Resource) — This article explains three (3) tangible ways to help close the pay gap in workplaces, sharing real-world examples of organizations and businesses who have taken steps to close the pay gap in their workplaces.
- Women in the Workplace (Long & Written Resource) — This study on the state of women in corporate America, describes the role women play in leadership positions, the intersectional experiences of women of Colour, how companies can advance equity, diversity, and inclusion, and address burnout, etcetera.
- EDI 101
- Accessibility 101
- Community of Practice Information Session
- Recruitment 101
- Message from Jessie Drew, Vice-President of Community Relations and Institutional Strategy with Northern Lights College
- Message from Anita Houle, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Project Manager with Northern Lights College